Embassy Craft Beer Bar - Brisbane City

Embassy Craft Beer Bar Logo Embassy Craft Beer Bar Logo Embassy Craft Beer Bar Logo Embassy Craft Beer Bar Logo
  • Embassy Craft Beer Bar
  • Embassy Craft Beer Bar
  • Embassy Craft Beer Bar
  • Embassy Craft Beer Bar
  • Embassy Craft Beer Bar

Brisbane's craft beer revolution truly is a reality. And the transformation of The Embassy Hotel is only proof the craft beer revolt is really happening.

After shutting doors in January, Demetri and Alex Conias have reopened the refurbed doors of the Embassy Hotel with a beery blast. This 85 year old girl has been replaced with a more manly character. Gone is the nightclub vibe of old, replaced with a more natural style of antique wood, and a nod to the urban location with a touch of concrete and metal.

At Embassy, sixteen craft beers will be on tap at any time, five frequently rotated as well as a traditional hand pump with over 100 varieties in the fridge. There's definitely a focus on the local brewers from the Sunshine Coast, to 4 Pines, Fortitude Brewing, Stone & Wood, Holgate and many more. Aussie favourites like Little Creatures, White Rabbit and Pipsqueak are all obligatory products in such an Aussie institution.

An important part of this revitalisation of the venue was to install a modern audio visual system that met the new and more demanding AV needs, design criteria included a high quality audio and video systems, capacity to stream vintage film footage to the TVs and projectors, a connection into the house system suitable for live performers and DJs as well as a simple control interface to run on the main bar laptop.

As the venue features it's exposed brick walls, some of which are covered with vintage posters, it was necessary to utilise Acoustic Technologies LG series mid high enclosures and MK series subwoofers, these black boxes hide nicely in the darker reaches of the roof spaces yet provide clear even sound. The system is split into 3 zones allowing individual volume control over different areas to accommodate functions and special events.

The Embassy Bar is a must stop location for anyone wishing to enjoy a fine craft beer or meal in a magnificent venue.